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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I free myself from fear.

 I refuse to let my doubts hold me back.

I build my self-confidence. I adopt a growth mindset. I give myself credit for making an effort. I think positive and focus on solutions. I continue learning and strengthening my skills.


I face challenges head on. I feel the fear and do it anyway. I grow calmer and more resilient each time I forge ahead.


I focus on what I have to gain. I take worthwhile risks. I acknowledge the cost of missing opportunities because I am afraid of failing or looking foolish.


I give myself a pep talk. I recognize my talents and achievements. I think about obstacles I have overcome in the past. I remember that I am capable and wise.


I seek support. I build healthy relationships based on give and take. I ask others for assistance. I look for friends and partners who complement my strengths.


I start out small and work my way up. Beating a small fear prepares me for bigger tests. I practice being more assertive with my friends before asking my boss for a raise.


I view myself with compassion. I empathize with my struggles and treat myself gently when I feel vulnerable. I embrace my emotions while choosing to make rational decisions that promote my overall wellbeing.


Today, I conquer my fears. I deal with doubts constructively and trust in my abilities. I take action and keep moving toward my goals.


Self-Reflection Questions:


1. What are the positive aspects of fear?

2. How can I relax my body when I feel anxious?

3. What is one thing I can do today that seems scary and rewarding?


20 GREAT decisions for the new year - may 2021 be the best year !

1. Stay positive 

You can listen to cynics and skeptics and believe that success is impossible, or you can believe that with a little faith and optimism everything possible.

2. When you wake up in the morning, complete the following sentence: My goal today is:  __________________________

3. Go .....

  for a morning walk of gratitude Every morning say "thank you" for at least one thing.

4. Instead of being disappointed 

with where you are ... be optimistic about where you are going

5. Eat ... 

Breakfast of Kings, Lunch of Princes and Dinner of students with limited budget and expired credit card ...

6. Remember! 

Trouble is not a dead end but a detour on the way to a better result. 

7. Be focused 

on learning, loving, growing and embracing the other.   

8. Believe

 that everything happens for a reason; Expect good things to grow out of the challenging experiences.

9. Do not 

waste precious energy on gossip, negativity and past experiences: Invest the energy in finding the positive in the present moment. 

10. Guide someone 

... and allow yourself to be guided by someone else! 

11. Keep the E.E.O: 

 Energy, Empathy & Optimism. 

12. Internalize -

 There is no substitute for hard work! 

13. Focus ... 

Every morning ask yourself what are the three most important things I need to do today to move towards the success or joy I crave? Focus on these actions. 

14. Without complaining! 

Complaining is like vomiting, after taking it out you feel better, but everyone around you feels nauseous. Do not accumulate in your stomach all that much resentment and resentment, so you will not reach the Point of vomiting. 

15. Read more books. 

16. Sleep a little more 

Double espresso will never equal its effects for good and sweet sleep. 

17. Focus 

on what you want and not what you HAVE TO .... Life is a gift , not an Obligation .

18. Every night, before you go to bed, 

complete the following sentences: I thank you for: _______________________________________ Today I fulfilled: ____________________________________________   

19. Be sure to smile & laugh a lot more

 These are more natural and effective antidepressants than any antibiotic.

20. Enjoy the road! 

"Live only once but if you do it right, once is enough!"   

💕Have a good year, sweet and full of joy!  

The picture of the starving toddler drinking from the social worker's water bottle ....

The picture of the starving toddler drinking from the social worker's water bottle broke hearts around the world when it was released in January.

The boy, now named Hope, was abandoned by his family because they thought he was a sorcerer, and was found on the street on January 31 by Anja Ringren Laven, a Danish woman living in Africa.

Ms. Laban shared a series of photos showing the medical miracle that happened to Hope in 8 short weeks, and says he is very much enjoying life now.

❤️ In the picture below from 2020 this is her son.


Choose Your Hard

 “Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.

Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard.
Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard.
Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard.
Life will never be easy. It will always be hard. But we can choose our hard. Pick wisely.”


Saturday, December 5, 2020




The ketogenic diet is a revolutionary diet that promises stronger health and optimal performance by eating a high fat, low carbohydrate diet.


Before you give this one a try, there are some important things to keep in mind:



Achieving a state of ketosis can take time. When a keto diet is followed properly, it will likely take close to a week for your body to enter a state of ketosis. Be diligent and patient with your progress. Look for your tongue to start turning white when you’re about to enter ketosis.

Be ready for the keto flu.

The main switch will occur when you pass the keto flu, which is a state of feeling sick and nauseous as your body and brain switches from using glycogen or blood glucose to ketones as fuel. This process is normal and will pass.


Consume healthy fats.

Just because you’re on a high-fat diet doesn’t mean that you should eat a bunch of high-fat fast food options. Keep your intake of fats to healthy and natural fats like fish and plant sources.


Eat carbs rich in fiber.

Mistakenly, some keto users toss away carbs altogether. Instead, consume vegetables that contain a high amount of fiber, as this will lower your net carb intake and strengthen your health.


Abstain from sugar.

This is the biggest component. The moment you go back onto sugar you’ll experience yo-yo diet symptoms. If you’re committed to a keto diet, you need to stay off sugar (as most people should anyway).


Meat and poultry.

On a keto diet, the more natural the cut the better. Find a good butcher and get the nice cuts of meat that have a good source of dietary fat and aren’t combined into a burger or sausage with salt and other chemicals.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Achieving health and fitness through healthy diet

 Because of so many illnesses and chronic diseases that occur among people through the years, more and more individuals are playing attention to their health and fitness because these would help them combat certain medical conditions. Today, one of the major reasons why people are overweight or suffer from minor and major health risks is that they dont practice having a healthy diet.

Effective formula for a healthy diet

Healthy diets which include eating balanced amount of food from all food groups along with exercise or regular physical activity can lessen peoples inclination to health problems. Doctors say that though basic principle of healthy diet is simple, there are those people who are having a hard time sticking to it. The major reasons behind this include a super busy lifestyle, work that causes a lot of stress or even an environment that is not conducive to having a healthy diet.

Despite hectic schedules and busy lifestyles, people can start and maintain a healthy diet if they really want to. Experts say that nothing is impossible to formulating and effective diets plan if one really wants to achieve a healthy mind and body.

For starters, experts advise a mix up food choices from each food group. Eating a large variety of foods and veggies can also serve as a warm up in avoiding the foods that contribute to drastic weight gain. Having a balanced intake of calcium-rich foods, whole grains, and protein-rich products will also keep you in track. To be able to maintain eating a healthy diet, you must also know your restrictions of fats, salt and sugars levels, and intakes. Lastly, you must monitor your body weight regularly for you to determine if your body is absorbing all the nutrients that it needs.

When do you know if your diet is healthy?

Being free from any illness or medical condition is the major determinant that a person is healthy. For those who are having a hard time identifying what is healthy on their diet and which are now, here are some tips for you. Experts say that a diet is healthy if it is: – based on starchy foods such as bread, cereals, rice, pasta, and potatoes because they are a good source of energy not to mention being the main source of a range of nutrients of a person's diet like fiber, calcium, iron, and vitamin B;

– loaded up a lot of fruits and veggies such as orange, apples, celery, broccoli, carrots, beans and peas because eating at least 5 portions of any variety can provide the vitamins the body needs and it also satisfies hunger without having to worry about fats and excess carbohydrates;

– filled with fish dishes that have high amounts of fish oil because it can provide protein, vitamins, and minerals that are not available to other food groups;

– low on saturated fats and excess sugars such as meat pies, sausages, hard cheese, butter and lard, pastry, cake, biscuits, cream and the others because they are high in complex calories stored in the muscles and sugars that can cause tooth decay.

– less in salt content because experts believe that goods that are high in salt or meals that uses too much salt can raise the person’s blood pressure which can lead to more complicated diseases especially those related to coronary illnesses; and

– high in water content because experts believe that for a person to achieve optimum health and fitness, he or she should take in lots and lots of water and foods that are high in fluid content to keep the body well-hydrated.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Understanding the different types of Yoga

 Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a plethora of different types of Yoga. With a choice of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and many more it can be easy to get confused

The article will help you to understand the difference between the most popular types of Yoga so you can choose which type is right for you.

Hatha Yoga in Sanskrit (an ancient classical language of India) Ha means sun and that means moon. This type of Yoga is relatively slow paced, gentle type of Yoga and is a good place to start if you are completely new to Yoga and don't know any of the asanas (poses). Like all types of Yoga, Hatha Yoga aims to unite the mind, body and spirit.

Ashtanga Yoga this is the type of Yoga that I practice on a regular basis and means eight limbs in Sanskrit. Its a fast moving, intense style of Yoga practice and is based on a progressive set sequence of asanas, synchronized with the breath. Ashtanga Yoga can be quite physically demanding as you constantly move from one asana in the sequence to the next, so you'll find that it will improve your stamina as well as your flexibility and strength..

Power Yoga this is a western interpretation of Yoga and is based on Ashtanga Yoga. A Power Yoga class may not necessarily stick to the exact sequence of poses like Ashtanga Yoga does, but it does involve practicing a series of poses without stopping and starting.

Iyengar Yoga This type of Yoga is based on teachings by B.K.S Iyengar and concentrates on the correct alignment and form of the body. Unlike Ashtanga Yoga, there is an emphasis on holding each pose for a long period of time rather than moving constantly from one pose to the next. Iyengar Yoga uses props such as blocks and straps to help align the body into the different poses.

Vinyasa Yoga Vinyasa means breath synchronized movement and is another fast paced type of Yoga, with an emphasis on breathing. A practice typically starts with sun salutations and moves on to more intense stretching. Throughout the practice each pose is balanced with a counter pose.

Bikram Yoga otherwise known as Hot Yoga, is practiced in a room heated to 105 degrees, with a humidity of around 40%. Generally a sequence of 26 different poses is practiced during a Bikram Yoga class and the hot temperature helps to loosen muscles. Due to the high temperature most people sweat a lot during the class and this helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

If you're just starting out or have never done any Yoga before, I recommend trying a few different types of yoga to find out what you like best.

Remember, there's no rule that says you have to stick to one type of Yoga. I like Ashtanga Yoga best, but I also go to occasional Iyengar and Hatha Yoga classes for a bit of variety

I free myself from fear.

 I refuse to let my doubts hold me back. I build my self-confidence. I adopt a growth mindset. I give myself credit for making an effort. I ...